Mapa mundo erasmus EN

Pilar Garcés García
Vice Dean of the International Office
Faculty of Commerce University of Valladolid
Telephone: (+34) 983 184 107

Víctor Temprano García
Coordinator of International Relations of the Faculty of Commerce
Faculty of Commerce University of Valladolid
Telephone: (+34) 983 183 604
The Faculty of Commerce of Valladolid has been a pioneer in the area of networking, aiming the exchange of students and lecturers to other national or international university institutions. Yet more than 30 years ago the Faculty signed and initiated the first exchange agreements with the École Supérieure de Commerce de Troyes (France). In the academic course of 2015/2016, the number of Erasmus+ agreements was more than 41 and the established international framework agreements increased to 19. Based on these agreements, the Faculty stands out because of the number of students received as well as sent. During the academic course of 2016/2017 the faculty received 30 foreign students and sent 50 abroad to European and international countries. Since many years, the institution has two agreements of double degrees with the École Supérieure de Commerce de Troyes and the École Supérieure de Commerce de Bretagne in Brest.
The Vice-deanship is responsible for the support and coordination of any activities regarding International Relations. Its field of competence contains the following aspects:
- The support of student’s exchanges of the Faculty with foreign university centres.
- The support of further education and research of lecturers in other foreign university centres.
- The facilitation of foreign student’s and lecturer’s stays at the Faculty.
The Vice-dean of the International Office and the coordinator of the International Office (CRI) are responsible for the following aspects:
- Any bilateral exchanges (CRI).
- Activities, carried out by the teachers responsible for the bilateral exchange (RIBs).
The competences and duties, carried out by the CRI as well as the RIBs, were established by the rector of the University of Valladolid in the resolution of 21. December in 2011 as well as were published in the legal regulations of the University, “Normativa de la Universidad de Valladolid sobre Movilidad Internacional de Estudiantes”. Furthermore, the permanent Commission of the Governing Council passed the resolution in the session of 12. April in 2016 (BOCyL nº 77 of 22. April).
It is located in the first floor of the Faculty, in front of the main stairs, and is attended by the vice dean of the International Office, the coordinator and by two employees in collaboration with the Vice-Rectorship of University Internationalization and Expansion. It attends to any activities regarding the international agreements signed by Faculty:
- Processing of the documents derived from the agreements
- Contact with foreign coordinators
- Orientation and information for students and lecturers about the possibilities offered by these agreements.
The opening hours are: from Monday to Friday from 9am to 12am. Thursday from 5pm to 7pm.
Catalina Soto de Prado Otero, Vice dean of the International Office
Faculty of Commerce of Valladolid, Plaza del Campus Universitario 1, 47011-Valladolid Spain
Telephone: (+34) 983 186 838
Fax: (+34) 983 423 056
E-mail: vicedecanato.rrii.comercio@
Víctor Temprano García, Coordinator of International Relations of the Faculty of Commerce.
Faculty of Commerce of Valladolid, Plaza del Campus Universitario 1, 47011-Valladolid Spain
Telephone: (+34) 983 183 604
Fax: (+34) 983 423 056
Homepage of the International Office of the UVa:
For students:
Information and guides for Erasmus students of the UVa
List of professors responsible for the agreements
- Regulations for academic acknowledgement UVa
- Commitment regarding the academic acknowledgements-Learning Agreement
- The Student’s Recognition of the acknowledgement system of the Faculty.
- Table of equivalent qualifications
- Personal tab for Spanish students
- Training Agreement for internships in Europe
- – Acknowledgement of other university activities
For lecturers::
Forms and Guides for lecturers
Information TOEFL::
See link ⇒
Information for Incoming Students
European Commission: Education & Training: Lifelong Learning Program:
- Exchange Program
- ECTS Guides
- Foreign Students Guide
- Foreign Students Register
- Commitment of the acknowledgements of academic achievements – Learning Agreement
- Certificate of Attendance (in Spanish)
- Certificate of Attendance (in English)
- Student Personal Profile
Commerce International Semester
Dossier Commerce IS
- Consumer Behaviour
- Cultural Economics
- Cultural Styles of Negotiation and Protocol in Asia
- Expatriate Executives and Workers Management
- Human Resources and Sales Force Management
- International and Contemporary Legal System
- International Tax System
- International Trade
- New Western Approaches to the study of Far Eastern Cultures
- Rethorical Techniques
Timetables of the International Semester 2022-23
Final Exams