In the midst of the 19th century the studies of commerce in Spain began to emerge, although similar developments existed in various cities previously, though within private institutions and commercial consulships, which provided commercial training. These institutions were officially recognised in 1857, the time of origin of the Commercial Schools.
In the case of Valladolid the origins of the Faculty of Commerce date from the year 1887 as the so-called Commercial School of Valladolid (“Escuela Elemental de Comercio”). The emergence of the school trace back to the city’s economic growth in these years, driven by the trade, the banking sector and the powerful metal industry, in the range of railways. Since then and until today the development of commercial studies is associated with various economic impulses of the city and the region of Castile and Leon. Here the studies passed through diverse development processes, in which their organisational and training structure varied continuously, with the objective of adapting them to the constantly changing requirements of economy and society: from Commercial School, through Higher Commercial School and Business School, to the Faculty of Commerce.

(“Facultad de Comercio”)
After the successful establishment and implementation of the degree of Commerce in the academic year 2010-11, seen as a pioneer within the degrees of the University of Valladolid, the centre had to consider a renaming, in order to adapt itself to the new European Higher Education Area and to the requirements of the Bologna Process. Ultimately, in the year 2013, based on a proposal of the Governing Council and on a previous supportive report of the Social Council, the University applied at the Department of Education to found the Faculty of Commerce of Valladolid (“Facultad de Comercio”). Although this institution would replace the Business School (E.U.E.E.), it would stay at the location Campus Universitario. On 5 December 2013 the Governing Council of the “Junta de Castilla y León” (a governmental body of the autonomous community) confirmed the change on a session, supported by a positive report of the Agency of Quality of the University System (Acsucyl) and the University Council of Castile and Leon.